Master Your Interview - Mini Training

This free master class explains the three biggest mistakes we see fire candidates make in their interviews, that you’re most likely making too.

Watch the videos. Learn how to avoid these pitfalls. And dramatically improve your interview skills today. 

Each video is only 5 min long and will break down one interview mistake. 


Mistake #1:

Not identifying and sharing your top selling points. (This is huge)

Mistake #2:

Firefighter Interview Training

Not maximizing your interview time.
Learn the 5 parts of every answer.

Mistake #3:

Firefighter Interview Training

Not answering the last question.
Learn how to conclude your interview.

Subscribe for instant access to interview mistake two and three.

Most interviewees struggle to talk about what they can offer the department. The TopScore interview system helps you clarify your answers, so you interview successfully and receive job offers.