Answer 10 questions to find out if you're ready for your firefighter interview

Answer 10 questions to find out if your ready for your firefighter interview.1.png

Don't' enter the biggest interview of your life blindsided. Take this quick survey and find out if you're ready for your firefighter interview.

  1. Have you completed at least three mock interviews?

  2. Do you understand the difference between Real Questions, Leading Questions, and Situational Questions and how your answer needs to change depending on which type?

  3. Have you prepared your final statement? (Often answers the question, "Do you have any questions?" or "Do you have anything else to add?" (NOTE: Passing on this question will not earn you the position)

  4. Can you share personal examples (stories) to back up each of your top qualities and traits?

  5. Do you know how to answer questions that seemingly lead to a negative answer positively? (ex: What type of person would you find most challenging to work with?)

  6. Are you prepared to include department knowledge in your responses?

  7. Do you have a good knowledge base of the department and the city it serves and are you prepared to answer questions such as, Who is the mayor? Or Name the cities top initiatives and explain how the fire department supports those?

  8. Are you aware of the relationship between the Union and your department? Are you prepared to answer questions about the Union? (Remember, a union member may be on your interview board.)

  9. Are you able to convince the board that your fitness level is ready for the fire academy and a long-term career?

  10. Will your answers accurately display your passion and commitment to the job?

Were you able to answer YES to every question? If so, you're off to a good start.

If not, we'd love to help. We’ve created a FREE 3-part video series called Master Your Interview Mini Training that will help you earn maximum points and land your dream job.

We want you to succeed in becoming a firefighter. This free training will help you do it. Don’t miss out.